Friday, 12 September 2014

Get Family Umrah packages 2015

It is the wish of every Muslim that he will go to the Holy Makkah and Madina and perform Hajj there, and also gather all the blessings of Allah Almighty. But those who cannot perform Hajj due to a lot of issues and obstacles, for them in Islam there is another opportunity to go to Holy Makkah and Madina to perform Umrah. Umrah is a religious practice just similar to Hajj but not the Hajj, it has a number of practices eliminated but you can say that it is a trial before Hajj. Umrah is not compulsory for all the Muslims as it is a Sunnah of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) and can perform any time during the whole year. Like Hajj there is not any specified days to perform Umrah, a person can go to perform Umrah any time when he wants to go. If you are the one who couldn’t go for Hajj with family then no worries you can get a family Umrah package and perform Umrah with you family easily.